A review by dragon_lion64
The Bourbon Kings by J.R. Ward


The Bourbon Kings
By J. R. Ward

I wasn’t sure if I was actually going to read this book because, although it is written by one of my favorite authors, it is not a paranormal romance but I couldn’t resist all the hype about it so I went ahead and read it.

I liked it. J. R. Ward is at her best when she is writing about rich people. She knows her expensive clothing and accessory designers. I wouldn’t know a Rolex from a gumball machine watch but she does and she makes it seem all so glamorous.

The characters were just my kind of characters…all flawed, not pure and innocent but not evil either…well not most of them. I cannot stand sweet and innocent characters. They bore the crap out of me. Have you ever met a sweet and innocent person above the age of fifteen? Neither have I? I’ve met people who think they are perfect but they tend to be judgmental and lack a sense of humor. So, I like the characters in this book.

Even though I enjoyed the book, I probably won’t read any more in the series just because I am more into paranormal romances and historical romances and I spend enough money on those.