A review by thegeekyblogger
Rise of the Governor by Jay Bonansinga, Robert Kirkman


Bought for Myself
Overall Rating 3.00
Story Rating 3.00
Character Rating 3.00
Audio Rating 2.00

NOTE: The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor is a hard one to really rank as there were parts that totally rocked but the constant changing of POVs really distracted from the story. I haven't read the comic books so I had no connection to these characters in advance.

Audio Review: I wouldn't recommend listening to this on audio--the narration was a little flat. Fred Berman did a decent job but with all the switching POVs, I think it would have been better suited to multiple narrators.

What I Loved: I am finding that I am really loving watching the Zombie Manifestation through the children's eyes. In this case, it was Penny. Whether the story was from her POV or just the adults watching her--it was very chilling. It is amazing how a kid can change your strategy at any given time. All of the men (her dad and "uncles") really do try to make this as easy for her as possible. Unfortunately, this is not an easy time. Her journey directly effects each of the characters and really does bring a level of emotional endearment to the story.

What I Liked: I am always fascinated in Zombie stories at what the point is of surviving. The emotions that one must go through: fear, anger, perseverance, giving up, and finally acceptance. It is what happens after the acceptance that always just gets me. How do you live in a world where this is now the norm? Rise of the Governor did a fantastic job of going through everyone's acceptance and their reactions.

Complaints: To many POVs for me and it was darn right distracting.

Why I gave it a 3.00: This is mostly due to the POVs. However, I think I would have felt more connected to the story had I read the comic books.