A review by olamisamigos
Five Feet Apart by Tobias Iaconis, Rachael Lippincott, Mikki Daughtry


I had found this book while cleaning out my closet, and with its discovery came the flood of memories I had long tried to keep shut away.

While my story does not include CF like Stella's, Five Feet Apart was incredibly relatable. It was, truly, the little things that made me cry. Will telling his mother to look past his illness and see him, only to realize that he knows nothing about his mother. A character dying just moments after they were all having fun. Stella and Will wanting to live. The lack of hope, and on the contrary, the overwhelming drive to survive for someone else. Because while you can understand death after life, you don't know how it will affect those around you. Namely, your parents.

It is a really simply written book; and the first few chapters (up until she meets Will) are not very complex or detailed. However, the juxtaposition between Lippincott's simple writing and the deep messages, implications, and themes worked so well. I managed to finish this book in a relatively short amount of time (1-2 hours in a sitting), and even then, I managed to experience the full spectrum of emotion and understand the entire story fully.

I would greatly recommend this book to absolutely anyone. The writing style may be for younger audiences, but the overall story is for all. And to my fellow hospital visitors, beware of the potential tears that may randomly make way onto the pages of the book.

rating: 4.5/5
great story