A review by 8bitlapras
Uncanny Magazine Issue 28: May/June 2019 by Michael Damian Thomas, Lynne M. Thomas, Michi Trota


Nice Things by Ellen Klages: 4.25/5
Probabilitea by John Chu: 3.75/5
A Salt and Sterling Tongue by Emma Osborne: 4.5/5
Lest We Forget by Elizabeth Bear: 5/5
A Catalog of Love at First Sight by Brit E. B. Hvide: 4.75/5
Canst Thou Draw Out the Leviathan by Christopher Caldwell: 4.25/5
Corpse Soldier by Kameron Hurley: 2/5

Black Horror Rising by Tananarive Due: 4/5
Everyone's World is Ending All the Time: Notes on becoming a climate resilience planner at the edge of the Anthropocene by Arkady Martine: 2/5 (really disappointed with this one because Arkady Martine wrote probably my favourite book of the year, A Memory Called Empire, but this was just WAY too full of academic jargon and inaccessible for me because I know next to nothing about city planning)
Toy Stories by Gwenda Bond: 3/5
"You Have Only Your Trust in Me": Star Trek and the Power of Mutual Belief by Nicasio Andres Reed: 4/5

Again, I refuse to rate poetry because it's not for me and I just don't enjoy most of it, but I did find something personally meaningful in both The Cinder Girl Burns Brightly by Theodora Goss and Flashover by S. Qiouyi Lu.

Average rating: 3.77/5, rounded to 3.75/5.