A review by kasiej
Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan


Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan, the first installment in the Sky Chasers Series, made my stomach do flips in ways that I didn’t know was possible.

Imagine for a moment, that you’re witnessing a train wreck in slow motion. Not just any train, a passenger train. There is nothing you can do to help or change the outcome, only watch as each car is smashed into the next creating one giant heap of wreckage. This is how I felt reading this book, painfully glued to each word.

Glow was dark, tragic, and unbelievably epic.

Warning; Spoilers Somewhat...

Spoiler The first thing that caught my attention when I started reading was the multiple POVs. I love that. Each 3-4 chapters were viewed from either Waverly or Keiran. This style had an interesting twist. It brought a different feeling since a few of the segments over lapped each other in time. This helped keep up the suspense since you wouldn’t find out what happened to one or the other until the author backtracked to their version. However, I really wish I could have seen a bit of Seth’s POV.

Now why must the chapters be named? I keep seeing this and it’s really starting to irritate me. Some of the titles are basically little spoilers for each section.


The events that unfold are bitter sweet. It’s fantastic how gripping each moment is, but at the time same, it’s brutal. You can tell the author already had the entire trilogy mapped out for this series. At least, I hope she does since the entire first book left me emotionally drained. I felt like I was watching ASPCA commercials back to back.

Religion was a heavy topic throughout the book. I am not religious. I do respect all religions and those that follow them. To each their own. How the author brought religion and it’s influence into the story was brilliant. It provides each side with positives and negatives, allowing the reader to interpret the conflict it creates.

I give the author credit for a work such as this that forces you to feel so deeply. I battled between 4 and 5 stars for couple days before I finally decided on 4. I withheld the final star because the of character interaction and the ending.

Predictable and anticlimactic. After all of the cruel things they went through the ending was a bit disappointing. At about 60% I realized I knew exactly how this would end and then it did.

Well I’ve already picked up Book 2, Spark. Book 3, Flame is out early next year. This first chapter has definitely set the series up and I will absolutely be finishing it. Something good has to happen to these kids eventually right? Right?!