A review by calistareads
You Read to Me, I'll Read to You by John Ciardi


There are at least 20 poems in this collection by John Ciardi for children. The poems remind me a whole lot of Shel Silverstein and it makes me think that he read things like this and Edward Gorey when he came up with his poems. I don't know why I never put that together before. This was written in the early 60s so Shel could have seen this growing up.

Edward Gorey makes little doodles and picture for each poem. They aren't amazing, but interesting. The poems are silly and absurd and surreal and I like that about them. Life is pondered out in these little sayings and all I have to say is Tigers and cats sure do like to eat a lot of people and other creatures. Stay away from them.

I enjoy this, but I think I would stick with Shel Silverstein.