A review by caitlyncloud
A Thousand Boy Kisses by Tillie Cole


Everyone who’s recommended this book has talked about how heartbreaking it is, but gah damn I was not prepared to have my heart so thoroughly shredded.

This is only the second book I’ve ever read that has made me actually sob. Other books have made me cry, sure. Silent tears that leak down my face. But that’s nothing compared to the full on sobbing while reading this book. I feel as if I’ve experienced a real loss.

I’m sure some people would think this book is cheesy. The people who don’t believe in soulmates probably wouldn’t enjoy this book. But I live for that shit so I was hooked immediately.

There’s tons of foreshadowing that hints what will happen and I saw it from like chapter 2 or 3, but was still somehow gutted when we find out.

This’ll sound cheesy, but to experience a love like that, even just through reading it in a book, feels like a gift. To feel souls connect like that.

The writing was so powerful. The fact that I’m sitting here feeling so many things from just reading this book…just phenomenal. I felt every single feeling the author intended. There were points where it was hard to breathe through the weight on my chest, or points where my heart almost burst too. This book just really drives home how much I fucking love reading.