A review by petrajaga
To Capture Mr. Darcy by Elizabeth Ann West


Elizabeth and Jane's visit to Netherfield gets prolonged due to heavy rain, and Elizabeth and Darcy unknowingly start a chess game with each other.

This had so much potential... which it promptly fell short of.

Bullet points:
- Iffy grammar and spelling. Commas either missing or all over the place. Also iffy word usage
Spoiler(catcalling at a wedding, really?)
- Though the book is technically written in third person, the point of view kept switching between Elizabeth and Darcy, sometimes even within the same paragraph, which was extremely distracting.
- Such drama. Such fighting. Such insults. And here I was, stupidly expecting to read a Regency story where all disagreements are handled in with kid gloves because that's part of the fun...
SpoilerCollins ripping sleeves? Caroline and Elizabeth basically insulting each other every time they met (and Lizzy coming across like a bitch because of it)? Darcy attempting to barge into Lizzy's room in the middle of the night?! Just... whathowwhy?

- The whole Darcy/Lizzy arc was just kind of there. And was more of a straight line than an arc. Most of the disagreements seemed manufactured.
SpoilerAnd then, towards the end, there was literally a chapter that began with "It was a foregone conclusion that they'd end up together." Erm, if so, why am I still expected to read to the end of the book?
- I wish the chess theme had been woven throughout the book, rather than used up at the very beginning.
- The low-key fat shaming of Mr. Collins and Lady Catherine was unnecessary, to say the least. Mr. Collins and Lady Catherine as such were pretty unnecessary too, come to think of it.

Also, 'Lizzie' and 'Mariah'. I kept expecting the latter to start riffing.