A review by masquerader888
Copper Beach by Jayne Ann Krentz


Copper Beach—Dark Legacy book one by Jayne Ann Krentz

I always enjoy Ms. Krentz’s books, and this was no exception. She writes with style and panache, creating delectable candy books that I love to devour.

Copper Beach was a good opening effort to a new series; however I do feel that much of the creative force in this book was spent on set-up for future installments and not particularly on the story within it. The characterization in a lot of places seemed a bit rushed, and some of the secondary characters felt a little like space-holders, awaiting future books to actually mean anything. The plot also felt the pinch of a new series start-up, spending lots of time cementing elements for future use and wrapping up this story with a hat-trick. I feel that this series has lots of room to grow, and I will enjoy taking the journey with these characters and exploring the world that is being created, but there is still a ways to go before we get to that complete world or fleshed-out series.

This is the first book from Ms. Krentz in quite some time that has not been a part of her Arcane Society series. While I happened to thoroughly enjoy the Arcane series I do understand the need to do different things and that all of Ms. Krentz’s fans might not want to only read in that universe. That said, as far as I can see the biggest difference so far in her Dark Legacy series vs. the Arcane is the history and known secondary characters. We are still immersed in the world of the paranormal, but this time we’re working without a net.

Abby Radwell was an interesting character, and I happen to adore the concept of her being able to “unlock” psychic code in books. Her history was richly woven even if she bore a lot of the brunt of working without a net when it came to dealing with the peculiarly of her paranormal gifts. With that in mind I found it a bit difficult to embrace her easy acceptance of our hero Sam Coppersmith. With Sam we have a different story. The rare earths and ability to psychically interact with crystals I had zero problem with, I also dig his near-genius talents in designing and creating mechanical mechanisms based on that crystal ability. Sam turned out to be the well-rounded character in this book for me, even if much of his past and endeavors remain hidden.

I give this book a high three stars ★★★ with hopes that the series will improve from here.
