A review by browneyesblue84
Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh


The main thing that I liked about Sarah Glenn Marsh’s Reign of the Fallen is that not only are the main characters diverse, but no one falls into a stereotype. I enjoyed reading a story where characters of all colors are described as normal human beings. The main character Odessa is a new character to me in that she is not confined to any stereotypes. She’s one of many characters whose stories that I read recently. One that transcends what it means to be a lead in a YA fantasy novel. Yes, she saves her county and the people that she loves. Yes, she falls in love, but the difference is that I have never read a story about a bisexual character prior to this. I’m glad that I had a chance to discover her and read her story.

I did not open this book knowing anything about the story. Nor did I come into it with an preconceived notions. The story definitely held my attention. At one point I developed a fictional crush on a character named Jax. He joins the ranks of the rest of the fictional paramours that I love. I do believe that he is the youngest. The writing was easy to follow for me. Every-time that Odessa felt pain, I did as well. Whatever she felt I empathized and felt.

The one thing that I liked about this story was the loss of Evander. That was something that I did not expect. Although I realized that things were a little too perfect at one point. I had a feeling that something was going to happen. Never did I fathom that he would die. Then again I was surprised that Master Cymbre died as well. The fact that story basically opened with the death of Master Nicanor should have been an indication of what was to come. I guess I missed it.

I rate this book four stars out of five. I will recommend it to every reader that I know.