A review by pagesplotsandpints
Woman on the Edge by Samantha M. Bailey


Read Completed 3/6/24 | 2.5 stars
The concept of this was intriguing but I really didn't like the execution of it all, nor did I like any of the characters. 

The audiobook narrator was fine, but she really made the two main characters even more dramatic than they already were. It really made me dislike them both, constantly being whiny and over-the-top. I even pictured it in my head, saying some lines in a totally different way that would have changed the personality of Morgan completely, so that was a little unfortunate. Despite that, I still didn't like most of Morgan's decisions and thought she did a lot of dumb things, so it really wasn't the narrator's fault completely. It just made an irritating thing worse. 

I also didn't like the writing style. It was more popcorn thriller, which gets dramatic and annoying at times, but I also didn't like the back and forth between Nicole and Morgan, switching from past to present. I don't know... I don't think we really even needed Nicole's POV. We kind of know what happens to her and then people also made her fall further into delusions (well, they caused the delusions, really). I maybe would have rather wanted to spend more time with only Morgan's POV or even Nicole's brother, to cast suspicion on Morgan. 

The ending and the twist were obvious to me and it just wasn't even an enjoyable conclusion. This just wasn't for me, and I get frustrated because this seems to be a thriller style that so many people enjoy that's becoming more popular. I guess it's popular and I'll just be the outlier -- it's what sells. But I'm just frustrated that most of the thrillers I read now are popcorn thrillers and over-the-top dramatic. A discussion for another day, I guess.