A review by bruinuclafan
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss


Wow, interesting book. I loved the world building, and the mix of magic with science and the University--where one strives to become an arcanist. I found the way the story was told compelling. It starts in the present day, but then quickly turns into Kvothe narrating the story of his early life. Things int he present day seem grim, but we do not know why. And even though the story is set in a sort of medieval parallel universe (where a form of magic exists no less!) there are still legends that nobody believes and yet might be true.

On the negative side, Kvothe seems to be a boy genius who is a prodigy at all things. Everything he does seems to work out. Also, every female character in the book is "beautiful" and apparently is in love with or infatuated with Kvothe in one way or another. It can get tiring. And I was going to lose it if I read one more line about someone's eyes "Dancing."

On the positive side, I really liked the plot and pacing. It is also unclear whether Kvothe is a reliable narrator, so that is another layer of potential complexity depending on what is revealed in books 2 and 3.