A review by brittanypete
Homecoming by Kass Morgan


I actually didn’t remember anything from this book from reading it years ago but this one was a bit of a let down.
First of all, the guards can find Mt Weather immediately? But the 100 never stumbled across it? Makes no sense.
2) Why are they so aggressive with the Earth Born when they don’t know what technology or weapons they have? It makes no sense to try to start a war in land that people have dwelled for centuries when you’re only just arriving. Making enemies with people who can teach you how to survive
3) There was no need for Sasha to die. See point 2 for more explanation. She was a child, and they murdered her for no reason. Also, there isn’t an endless supply of bullets so maybe save those for hunting
4) I enjoyed Glass’s storyline in the first two books but they were so boring in this one. Two people with zero survival skills set off on their own in a land they know nothing about and are shocked when it ends badly. Also, what was going on with Rhodes and Glass’s mom? Does he not feel the need to take care of Glass at all?
5) why are there so many guards on Earth now when people were fighting their way to the drop ships? Seems like maybe 5-10 would make it and I’d doubt they’d be loyal to Rhodes because he left them to die. And it would be super easy to overthrow Rhodes anyway. There are more of the 100 than guards.

Overall, I still enjoyed this book but there were too many dropped plots and plot holes for me