A review by kingfan30
Hornet Flight by Ken Follett


When I saw the tag line announcing that this was a war time novel, I was a bit concerned, it drummed up too many memories of those fluffy Mary Jane Staples type books, however I enjoyed The Pillars of the Earth and it fitted a theme so I ploughed on. And during the first part I was a bit sceptical, there seemed a lot of characters with no huge connection between them, but it did start to come together, and towards the end I was gripped. This tells a story from a different perspective that I’ve not come across before, in the way that Denmark was involved. The things that people were prepared to do for war is quite incredible, and once finished, I did have a google to see that this story is loosely based on fact that actually happened. There are characters I liked and ones I didn’t, Peter in particular I found very disagreeable. And there were plot holes, Hermina with her suitcase, which disappeared while she danced to escape Peter, suddenly reappeared to be used as a weapon, and some of the technicalities of the plane went right over my head, but overall I enjoyed this book.