A review by peytonm
Scandal by Jayne Ann Krentz, Amanda Quick


Amanda Quick is a comfort read of mine because she has an equation that I like quite a bit. She has a naive yet smart heroine who dumbfounds the cynical hero. They have adventures where the heroine proves her bravery and loyalty, and the hero realizes that he's been in love with her all along. He is determined to protect her in an overbearing but adorable manner. Happily ever after.

Ahaha so Emily is exactly who I think of when I think of Quick's classic heroine. She's smart with money and has been saving her gross dad and brothers from the poor house due to her investments. Simon wants revenge on her family, so he decides to marry her to force the male Faringdons into bankruptcy. Little does he know that she wants to be his staunchest ally and protector. Also Emily's fashion sense is hilarious. I was cracking up as Quick described it. Simon isn't my favorite hero and I'd certainly not want to date him myself, but he's met his match with Emily. He does save her from her terrible family, and Emily just flat out ignores any potential power imbalance between them by doing whatever she wants anyway. Definitely a comfort read that I shall revisit.