A review by itsmytuberculosis
Go the Distance by Jen Calonita


if a person leaves a book on the ship it gets brought down to the crew learning center and we are able to read them for absolutely zero dollars and zero cents.

this was one of those book.

let me tell you, if i could get the ao3 girlies to start publishing their fanfic like this i would be ranked number one on goodreads in terms of books read, okay? this is just disney girlie fanfic that is classified as an AU.

Not shitting on it tho!!! this was a MAD fun read. I sped through it finishing it in one day because i couldn't wait to see how things would resolves.

Loved how Jen introduced some truly baller elements of Greek history which were left out of the movie such as
- Zeus being a dick
- the oppression of women
- the structure of the under world
- Zeus fuckign sucks
- all the wack ass creatures in Geek mythology

also - this book did not shy away from the brutality of fights that Megara had to go through. She was getting lacerations and burns and emotional torture all over.

my all time favourite addition was the addition of persephone and hades. one? it is incredibly fun to imagine disney hades being a simp and two) loudly plays hadestown in the middle distance