A review by hollymaynisbet
Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin


Oh. My. God.

This was absolutely brilliant!!!!!!!! I love this book so so so much. It's been on my shelf for a month? or so, and recently I came across this account on Tiktok that would show books that fit in different tropes. Serpent and Dove had so many of the tropes I loved so I was suddenly VERY interested to read it.

Tropes within, include:
- One bed
- Close proximity
- 'Innocent, good' male with a 'crass, "villainous"' female (just imagine Matthais and Nina from Six of crows)
- Enemies to lovers
- Arranged marriage
Need I go on?

I was quite honestly blown away with the ease of this book. I read it super duper quick (in the span of 24 hours) and just couldn't bring myself to put it down! The writing throughout, flowed smoothly and the plot to relationship ratio was perfect. One of the things I loved most about it, was the possessiveness from Reid towards Lou from the very start - when the Archbishop put them in a relationship and he said "If this woman is to be my wife, you will not touch her again". Man oh man, I love Reid.

Also, we have to take a moment to appreciate the character development of Reid, like, he really pulled a 360.. a huntsman who kills witches, gets in an arranged marriage with one, learns to love her, finds out she's a witch but lets her go, is angry that she lied, realises he can't let her die, runs away to find her, is possessive and in love, and then the big cherry on top, FINDS OUT HE'S A WITCH HIMSELF! Gee, what a bloody twist, one I myself, was not expecting but thoroughly enjoyed.

And, let me just say how much I love Lou. She was strong, sarcastic (as hell), so crass (in the best way), and not at all annoying like some main characters I've read. I aspire to be like her (except without the crazy mother).

I love the little gang at the end of the book. Coco, Ansel, Beau, Lou, and Reid - they're all elite and I can't wait to read book 2. Blood and Honey, here I come!

Honourable quotes to mention:
- “Why the fuck is everyone in this kingdom trying to murder my wife?”
- “Maybe men can learn a thing or two from women.”
- “I leaned back, studying her as she finished my bun. A bit of icing covered her lip. Her nose was still red from the cold, her hair wild and windblown. My little heathen.”
- “Where you go, I will go. Where you stay, I will stay.”
- “That is love, to give away everything, to sacrifice everything, without the slightest desire to get anything in return. —Albert Camus”

AND lastly, “There was only one way such a story could end -a stake and a match.”


Anyways, happy reading!