A review by obscuredbyclouds
My Shit Life So Far by Frankie Boyle


I'd consider myself a kind-of Frankie Boyle fan. I really like some of Frankie Boyle's jokes, but mostly on mock the week, his stand up isn't really my thing most of the time (mainly because it does not make me laugh...). I was curious about this "autobiography" but it's neither really funny nor informative, but rather pretty rambley. I don't mind the way he writes, I don't mind the cruel jokes, but if they're not funny they just make me think they there for shock factor only. The worst part of the books were the comedy routines, as they're just not funny at all, the best parts were when I felt he was being more genuine.

This book is okay and an easy read, and if you're a Frankie Boyle fan you've probably already read this anyway, but it's not a must-read.