A review by titanic
Manson by Jeff Guinn


"Charlie Manson was always the wrong man in the right place at the right time."

I really wanted to like this book. I would try and hype it up, try and make it more enjoyable than it was. It just didn't work, the book bored me and I lacked interest. I went two full days without even touching the thing. I'll give credit where it's due, the beginning was good. I enjoyed reading about Manson's family, and his early life, however, I started losing interest around the time the author began describing the times of Manson. I know I should have expected it, the book is literally titled "The life and TIMES of Charles Manson" but it still shocked me that the author could describe the times of Manson with a whole chapter this early on. Point blank, I did not enjoy any of the chapters that were dedicated to the times of Manson. I longed for information about Manson and his Family, but during the last few chapters, even that bored me. Nothing about this book really held my interest for long, which is a shame because Manson and his Family are interesting to me, this book just seemed to take every interesting factor and talk about it for so long that it lost anything special about it. A shame.