A review by novelesque_life
Have Black Lives Ever Mattered? by Mumia Abu-Jamal


2017; City Lights Publishers/Consortium Book Sales & Distribution
(Review Not on Blog)

While racism has always existed, the 2016 election of Trump has definitely put more of a spotlight on the issue. I live in British Columbia, and the effects of the US are felt here, and we also have our own problems. Abu-Jamal writes shorts essays, from the late 80s to present day, about the injustices that African Americans, blacks, face. I am passionate about this issue so I find literature around it great, but sometimes the writing style wasn't easy to read. (It felt kind of is scattered). I think this is a great book for everyone to read to start a dialogue on what is going on in the world, and the changes we can make. This book does not so much offer ideas but identify what is wrong.

***I received an eARC from EDELWEISS***