A review by bethreadsandnaps
Best Kept Secret by Amy Hatvany


An intriguing look at a woman who becomes an alcoholic after a difficult divorce, and then she loses custody of her child. The book shows how she becomes an alcoholic as well as part of her recovery. The book rotates between flashbacks and the present, which is confusing since the chapters aren't labeled with a timeframe and the flashbacks are only a year or two before the present.

Not being an alcoholic myself,I found the introspection and inner thoughts of the main character very intriguing. Given that she wasn't an alcoholic her whole adult life, it's refreshing to see that she can dig herself out of her mess.

The alcoholics I know don't acknowledge that they have a problem, and they are/were alcoholics for most of their lives. A book about a career alcoholic would be far less sympathetic toward the main character and very depressing. The hope in this book is quite uplifting.