A review by geo_ix
Dark Desires After Dusk by Kresley Cole


Some of you hoe-hoes may be against this book because there's cheating. But Tim's a right tosser so who gives a damn!

Oh Cadeon. Before, hearing about the demons and stuff, I was a little grossed out. After this? Gimme gimme! Mmm-mmm. I want a slice of THAT apple pie!

Seriously, how sexy can one guy BE? Englishy accent, all hot a shit, and the horns ended up being just as good. Little spoiler here - I think I nearly jumped into me kindle and strangled him for cutting them off in the end. If I was her, I'd be livid. Even after he said they'd be back in a few weeks. But still, SO cute to put himself through torturous pain for her. I literally sigh just thinking about it.

Anyway! This one is HELLA adventurous! And JUST as steamy in the lovin' department. Yumm-AY!

I loved it! Each story is unique! While the events of their relationships all are kinda the same, the actual events aren't and it gives that sense of difference needed to make it what it is. Each character is uniquely different. This is a first for a nerdy, OCD woman, and a very very very cocky man- I know Bowen is cocky, but he got nothin' on this fella!