A review by afreema3
Men Without Women by Haruki Murakami

Okay, here's the deal. My dad loves Murakami and loves this short story collection, I on the other hand just feel meh. I could only really read four of the stories and I only liked one, Yesterday. Even though I didn't live every story I read they were all page turners. I kept wanting to read the stories even if I was not completely interested in the actual story.

I think the main reason I feel so meh on the book is the fact that Murakami felt the need to add a discussion of sex or some guys genitals in every story. Now I am all for sex positivity and the discussions of sex didn't bother me, I just didn't need them. If you like that Murakami adds it then that's great. You like what you like and don't let my disinterest spoil the book for you.

All in all if I wasn't starting my sophomore year of college on Wednesday I probably would have read all the stories, but I don't feel like pushing myself through the stories right now.