A review by samuel_peterson
The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God by Kathy Keller, Timothy Keller


This is a book I will probably find myself reading intermittently for the rest of my life. There is so much elusive, emotional truth made plain here by the Kellers. They provide such a unashamedly Biblical representation for something out "modern" culture has perverted: marriage. The Bible, as it turns out, is really very clear about what marriage was intended to look like and how it is so radically different than what the World supposes Christian marriage looks like. I have probably taken more notes over this book than any other and so to include all of the most memorable lines would be impractical, however, a personal favorite is this gem from Kathy Keller, "Since both the headship role of a husband and the submission role of a wife are servant roles, one can always begin to serve without waiting for permission" (216). I mean, come on, that's a pretty wild thing to say in a world where our own satisfaction is the default fleshly desire.

Everyone should read this.