A review by thesassybookworm
Lawn Boys by K Webster




descriptionStraight off I am going to say that the whole older woman/younger man thing is not my jam. In fact, I would rather choose a book full of cheating than one with the above scenario. So I bet you are wondering why the hell I signed up for an ARC of this one, right? Well, it's K, and I ADORE K. And if anyone is going to get me to board the cougar train it would surely be her. Did I enjoy it? YES. Did I love it? NO. But honestly, I didn't expect to and the not loving it is all down to my dislike of the trope and certainly not the book itself.


So onto the deets...This was a relatively quick read. It was well written and well paced. The plot was engaging and pretty well rounded for a book on the shorter side of things. The sex scenes were SMOKIN'. There wasn't any angst or OW drama. A bit of OM drama. All three main characters were very likable. The heroine was 20 years older than the heroes (18) and one of them (Aiden) was a virgin. As much as I liked all three characters, the dynamic between them felt off. I wasn't a huge fan of how Aiden was added to the mix and would have preferred the sex scenes (and the plot in general) had just been between the heroine and Anthony. The whole menage angle came across a bit too forced and there was jealousy involved which is a BIG no-no for me in that type of situation. Lastly, it was all wrapped up in a super sweet four years later epilogue.

So yeah, although this is never going to be a trope I warm up to I did end up enjoying it for the most part. And I am glad I stepped out of my box and gave it a go. With that said, this is getting a solid thumbs up from yours truly.description


