A review by ninjabunneh
Of Beast and Beauty by Stacey Jay


I have a confession to make. I adore all things Disney. If I pass a Disney Store, I must venture inside. If a new Disney movie comes out, I must go and watch it. It's a weakness, but I regret NOTHING. My absolute favorite movie from Disney, watched more than a two dozen times over more than a dozen years is Beauty and the Beast.

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If you're about to run and grab Of Beast and Beauty, thinking it's a sweet fairy tale full of rainbows and unicorns, don't. It has the feel of the enchanted movie, but is a story all its own.

"My new body dying and my hopes for peace shattered, I gathered the last of my magic and sent a curse sweeping across the world."

The curse isn't what you think. Of Beast and Beauty twists the Beauty and the Beast story in new ways, gives it a bit more darkness, and throws in unexpected things along the way.

It does ask the age old question. Can true love save what is lost, repair what is broken, heal what is damaged? I leave you to read the book and find out.

"Beauty is wherever you find it, and Beast is there when you need to defend it."

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To those who still have an inner child that whispers their ear to make a wish when blowing out birthday candles. One that makes you still wonder what could be up there when gazing at the stars. One that allows you to still believe in fairy tales and dream of happily ever afters. If that child still lives inside you, however quiet he or she may be at times, this book is for you.

4.5 ninja bunnehs throwing rose petals stars