A review by xakyr
Ready for Love by Marie Force


Looks like this series is on a bit of a roller coaster for me. I didn't enjoy it as much as the two previous entries in the series, and I think the problem lies with Sydney.

Sydney let her parents push her around a good bit, and seemed to care too much about wealth and personal standing. It lost her the love of her life once and, because of the perceptions of her parents, stands to have her lose it a second time. Granted, eventually, she does stand up to her parents, but it came too late in the story for me. She was branded as a snob in my book.

Luke seemed a little too sappy to be real, holding a torch for his summer crush and never moving on. He also let her off the hook for hurting him a little to easily, in my opinion. However, his desire to not let his wealth influence Sydney's decision was a very sensible one, for how could he know if she truly loved him unless she chose him when he's just a simple dockworker?

The McCarthy's once again play a large role in the story, showing us what is going on with the two previous couples in the series. Even the unattached brothers come home to the island to participate in Janey's wedding. This allows the author to introduce backstory for Grant's book, which is next in the series. That backstory takes up much of this story, as if Luke and Sydney's romance was a shorter story and the author needed something else to act as filler to make the story longer. It was an annoyance to be certain, but won't stop me from continuing with the series.