A review by graggirl
Bird Lake Moon by Kevin Henkes


THREE AND A HALF STARS!!! Henkes does such a good job showing the perspective of his characters. What I loved about this book was that it was gentle, quiet, and that everything didn't get wrapped up in a pretty bow at the end. 2/3 of my kids gave it two thumbs up. It wasn't exciting enough for my son. But, I did see so much of my son in Spencer and Mitch. This is a great book to read to help kids understand that everyone comes to situations with their own viewpoints and emotional baggage and that so much of what we think others are doing to us is actually reflection of what is going on for them personally. This is also a great book to discuss empathy. And a reminder to parents that our kids are trying to navigate so much on their own and aren't always openly discussing their feelings and fears.