A review by maureensbooks89
Girl Ghosted by Lucy English


When I read the book description of ‘Girl Ghosted’ a view weeks ago, I immediately knew this was a book I wanted to read. I love mysteries, and a mystery involving a social worker just sounded so new and interesting that I decided to request a review copy. And I’ve been super lucky to get approved and was able to start reading ‘Girl Ghosted’ soon after.

In ‘Girl Ghosted’ we meet social worker Penny Wade. Penny is working a new case involving a young mother and her two young children. This case is definitely hard for Penny. But Penny is determined to make this case one of her bests, and to get on her boss’s good side. Unfortunately not everyone seems to work with Penny, but thankfully Penny doesn’t give up soon. This also come in handy in her personal life. Next to her work, Penny is trying online dating. After a view bad dates, she now finally has a nice date, followed by a second one and a third one. But soon Penny finds out that online dating is not as save as she thought it was.

When I first started reading ‘Girl Ghosted’ I found myself needing a little time to get used to the main character Penny. She seemed a little off at times and I wondered if I was missing something. But what I didn’t know was that this is the third book in the Penny Wade Mysteries series, and, I probably missed some stuff that was explained in the first two books. For example the reason why Penny has these kind of panic attacks every ones in a while. But since I just found out about this book being part of a series after I finished the book, I can definitely say it can be read as a standalone.

After the first view chapters this book started to get more and more interesting to me and I found myself being intrigued by the characters. Penny was different, and very passionate about her job. Although her boss didn’t think that was a good thing most of the time, I admired her for her passion. The way Penny worked the case of a young mom Ashley and her two young children.. I loved it. I would have like to read more about that case though. In the end I kind of felt like that part of the story ended rather abruptly.

‘Girl Ghosted’ was definitely a fun mystery novel which made me want to read more books by this author. It wasn’t a perfect read, I found the ending a little rushed for example, but this book definitely kept me hooked till the very end.