A review by jg1987
Surrender to Me by Shayla Black


I did not finish this book.

I tried to like this series, I really did. I liked the first book so I picked up the next one. The second was terrible, but I gave the series another shot. The third one was really enjoyable, so I figured I would continue the series. Then I start this book and I think I rolled my eyes so much that they almost got stuck that way.

I realize this is fantasy and things move fast relationship wise, but Hunter said, I dunno, 3 sentences to her and is already proclaiming he wants to spend the rest of his life with her?...Really? I didn't; even get as far as them getting married, which I know they do because of that stupid flash foreword scene in the beginning of the book, which did nothing for me BTW.

And Kata, the whole I'm insecure about my body (which all the men seen to think is amazing by the way) and I'm not going to let any man tie me down, even though he really does it for me, but I'm an independent woman blah blah blah....BORING. I don't care if the sexy scenes were the best I have ever read, I'm just not interested. Both characters did nothing for me so I couldn't read 300+ pages of these two without forcing myself, so I gave up (which never happens BTW).

And another thing, why do all the women in the series have stalkers? Sometimes an ex is just an ex.

So unfortunately, as much potential as this author/series showed me, for my own sanity I don't think I will continue it.