A review by caitlin829
Destination Wedding by Diksha Basu


I really wanted to like this book, but I really, really didn’t. It seems mislabeled as romance — it really isn’t. The dust jacket claims it’s “infused with warmth, charm, and wicked humor,” but I found it largely devoid of all three. The writing is very basic and flat. There is a large cast of central characters (Tina, her friend, her mom, her mom’s boyfriend, her dad, her dad’s new girlfriend) and even secondary characters (everyone actually attached to the wedding, for instance), but the book somehow feels the need to go into the life story of every random person adjacent to them for even a fraction of a scene, like bartenders and random party guests and shop assistants and matchmakers on the phone half a country away. Scenes switch perspectives about every other paragraph, including those minor character detours and flashbacks that completely interrupt scenes. People talk at one another half the time instead of having conversations. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I was very disappointed.