A review by papercranestitches
Comfort by Charley Descoteaux


I liked the idea of reading a Christmas story about someone healing physically, emotionally, and mentally in the aftermath of a horrific experience, but I have to admit that I found the execution of the story frustrating.

I didn't read the book blurb going in, so I had no idea why or how Charlie became injured. Honestly, I figured the author would blatantly tell me right away so I'd have some context for his current circumstances and behaviours, or she would leave enough hints/reveal enough details that I could figure it as I read (no author should rely on a book blurb to convey critical information to his or her readers). But, as the details of Charlie's injuries and his current actions were revealed, I only became more confused; my brain ping-ponged from car accident to fire to a gay bashing. When it was finally revealed that
SpoilerCharlie had been violently attacked in his own home by looters
, I had some questions:


1) LOOTERS?! Why were their looters in Charlie and Sam's house? No extenuating circumstances (e.g. trial verdicts or natural disasters leading to citywide riots) were ever mentioned that would explain to the reader why there were looters in NOLA in the first place. What am I missing? Is "looters" some slang term for burglars that I don't know?

2) How does being beaten by looters lead someone to have to "replace everything but the clothes on their backs"? What the hell would the looters want with your precious family photos? This doesn't make sense! This is the sort of phrasing that people use when they've lost everything in a fire or survived a natural disaster; it doesn't really seem to fit an assault.

Admittedly, I've never been assaulted, so this next one is an honest question...

3) Why would being attacked by home invaders for no discernible reason lead the victim to associate that attack with the possibility of being attacked again if he showed physical affection for his partner in public?

In the end, I felt that the author's word choices were misleading and I didn't always understand what she was trying to lay down in terms of a cause and effect relationship between events and actions or reactions. Because I was so disorientated by these storytelling elements, I don't feel as if I connected with the characters. Like... at all. When they got their HEA, it felt weak and unsatisfying to me.

Oh well! Plenty of awesome Christmas stories to read. On to the next!