A review by soniakarina
Night Swim by Jessica Keener


This was an interesting book in that I enjoyed reading it but...I'm not sure I ever knew what it was about. Let me explain, the book was beautifully written. The characters were captivating, and the emotions were real and tangible. But the plot...well, I'm not sure there was a whole lot of plot to it. But maybe that was the point?

The book starts in present time with the protagonist reflecting on her past, and travels back in time to share a piece of her history. This piece of her history is the main story, I suppose, and although, once again, captivating and well written, it just seems a bit disjointed and never really "takes off". When we return to present day again at the end...nothing much has been resolved, or done, or said...there are all these wholes, all these missing pieces. And yet, I haven't been able to stop thinking about the characters since I put the book down 2 days ago.

It left me wanting more, a whole lot more. Which could be seen as a good thing, or...as a novel lacking substance. I'm not sure. Thus the 3 star rating. I liked it, but...yeah...