A review by psistillreadyou
Rise by Amanda Sun


So far with this series I've gone into each book knowing as little as possible. When I found out what this book was about, I was surprised. I didn't expect much from it in the first place.
The story with Izanagi and Izanami was tragic and depressing. The one thing that I didn't understand was why Izanami's speaking first after them walking around the pillar would disrupt the order of things. How did that make their children deformed and why were there the children conceived after the second pillar walking normal? The book said that after the second pillar walking Izanami stopped touching Izanagi. How is it possible for them to have eight children if they never touch? Since Izanami went to Yomi after her death, how is it possible for her to die again? Where would she go after her second death? And if Ameno and Kunitoko knew this would happen, why would they have created them in the first place? The least they could have done was give some marriage counselling. The only purpose I see in this story being told is to be an introduction to the creation of Japan and the kami Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi, and Susanou. I wish I had read about the betrayal that took place between Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi as mentioned in Rain.
Yuki and Tanaka's story honestly made me like them a little less. They weren't very interesting. They seemed like one dimensional characters with only one thing on their minds. Katie and Tomohiro had more character development in Shadow. I understand that Yuki and Tanaka only had less than half of the book for their story, but I still didn't care about their relationship much. They were sweet together and Tanaka was protective of Yuki, but that was it. They didn't have a relationship where they strongly complimented each other and I couldn't see them with anyone else. They just made me miss Katie and Tomohiro's relationship.