A review by moudi
Trick by Domenico Starnone

reflective medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? N/A
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? N/A
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? N/A


<b><blockquote>I was ashamed of being locked outside, I was ashamed that I hadn’t known how to avoid it, I was ashamed to find myself lacking the controlled haughtiness that had always prevented me from asking anyone for help, I was ashamed of being an old man imprisoned by a child. </blockquote></b>
بعد قراءة رواية ثقة كان لابد من زيارة دومنيكو ستارنوني ، إذ تتميز كتابته بالدقة فهو لا يزيد في النص غير الأصل الذي رفع القلم لأجله .. لا زيادة في الأحداث و الحوارات ولا حتى في الوصف ، كل شيء في الرواية محسوب ليشكل في النهاية لوحة فسيفساء بارعة الجمال . 
<b><blockquote>—Do you know how to open the bottle? he asked.
 —Of course, I know. 
—I don’t. 
—Try, just for once, not to learn.</blockquote></b>
خدعة .. أو ربما الأفضل ترجمته إلى مقلب كعنوان الرواية حسبما وصفت المترجمة الرائعة جومبا لاهيري ، تبدأ الحكاية برسام في الثمانين من عمره  لتوه خرج من عملية بسيطة يعاني قليلاً من أعراضها لأسباب تتعلق بصحة خلايا دمه ، يعمل على مشروع إضافة رسمات لقصة الزاوية المرحة لهنري جيمس ويتعرض لضغط الناشر ، تطلب منه ابنته الاعتناء بأبنها البالغ من العمر أربع سنين إلى أن تعود مع زوجها من مؤتمر متعلق بعلم الرياضيات .. ومن اللقاء الأول بين الجد و حفيدة تعلم أنها رواية لا تحكي قصة رعاية طفل بل أزمة الشيخوخة فنان . 
<b><blockquote>I wasn’t fond of the dark. I would turn on all the lights at home because after my operation, at times, the darkness animated the inanimate, and I’d be under the impression that the furniture or the walls were grabbing me, something I attributed to my poorly circulating blood, to the lack of oxygen going to my brain. I therefore stepped forward prudently, running my knuckles along the walls, but I still saw my father in flashes, grim, throwing his hair back with both his hands, and my mother, who transformed amid fits of terror and melancholy from a shabby Cinderella to a lady in a veiled hat, and my grandmother, who, having suffered a stroke, now sat always silent, arrugnata, a word that, in dialect, meant a body folded in on itself, curved like a billhook left to rust in some corner.</blockquote></b>
قبل الحديث عن الرواية لابد من الإشارة بأنها تتقاطع مع رواية هنري جيمس التي يحاول الرسام تجسيدها بفرشاته، وفي ذلك إشارات كثيرة لتأثير الفن و تقاطعه مع الواقع ، هذه نقطة جميلة ذائبة في النص تحتاج لمعرفة مسبقة بالقصة القصيرة لهنري جيمس ولا تحتاج لقراءة القصة ، دومنيكو ستارنوني يتعامل مع الأشباح بالمعنى الثقافي فلا تشعر بالرعب بقدر شعور المضايقة من ملاحقة أطياف الاشخاص و المواقف لك ، ميزة تخص بيت الطفولة شقةً كان أم منزل المهم أنه يحمل صورتك صغيراً والأشخاص حولك كباراً و الحياة في الخارج مخيفة . 
<b><blockquote>Insecurity would have seeped through that crack, and desperation, and unhappiness, and it would have annihilated the little man I longed to become: the kind that used sophisticated words, had subtle feelings, a sense of responsibility, a sage defense of the good, standard sexuality, life absorbed by a single great passion: to produce work in an endless cycle, big work, small work, medium work, nothing interested me more. But I’d done it, I’d managed, always gasping for breath, to plug up the cracks one by one. And I’d become flesh, the rest were ghosts. But now here they were, they were parked in the living room of the apartment in which I’d grown up, the apartment transformed today into Betta’s home, and Saverio’s and Mario’s. They’d gathered there with their dialect, with their uncouth desires and ways, their nastiness always ready to explode over the tiniest conflict. They didn’t forgive me for having chosen the least likely variation and for having defended it, having stood up to them without ceding an inch. I’d chased them away, but never completely. Only my death would have crushed them definitively, erasing the body they always aspired to, and, like it or not, that kept them alive. As weak as they were they never stopped turning up, especially the boy with the knife, whom I drove away, however, with a stroke of my hand, eyes closed, like a refined person. </blockquote></b>
هل نترفع بالفن عن جذورنا الذميمة إن كانت هي سبب زرعه في صدرونا؟ هل يمكن للفنان الأنفصال عن الأسرة إن كانت الموهبة الفنية تتوارث؟ 
دومنيكو يضع شخصية مسن معتد بنفسه ويرى بأنه أعلى من واقعه في مأزق ، فهو يواجه أشباح الشيخوخة و روح الطفولة في الوقت ذاته ، الاعتناء بطفل - مزعج و عنيد مثل ماريو - لا يشتت الانتباه فقط بل يختبر حدود الجسد ، يزيد صعوبة الموقف كون الطفل مولع بجده الفنان المشهور فلا يفوت فرصة الرسم بجانبه و التعليق على رسوماته ، يراقب الجد الطفل ويغيب ليعود إلى ذكرياته ورغبته في الخروج بطوق الفن و الشهرة من حياة كانت له في هذه الشقة التي عاد لها شيخاً ، ليست رواية طويلة ولا متعددة المواضيع لكنها عميقة ، فكرة تأثر الفنان بواقعه و تأثير الواقع بفنه و نفسية الفنان المهمش ولا فرار من الروابط الأسرية.. كلها تنضغط إلى حد الانفجار على شرفة شقة في نابولي . 

اقتباس ملفت : <b><blockquote>The tradition in my extremely sprawling family tree was to be a mechanic. Or an electrician, like my father. Or a turner like my grandfather. This was what was probable, and also what was possible. Putting together, taking apart, screwing, unscrewing, nails always black, fingertips thick, palms wide and hard. Or slaving away unloading at the docks, or at the fruit and vegetable market. Or being a gofer in a workshop, or a waiter, or starting up a little shop, getting a job for life working for the railroad. Or living by my wits, by hustling, by the wiles of necessity, leaving no doubt that I only ever have women on my mind, that I’m never satisfied with any of them, that I collect them, caress them, take advantage of them, beating them if they don’t want to bend over nice and quiet, oh I wanted it, some of the guys I played with had done all that, always in keeping with the city neighborhood we’d been raised in. Or to reject the dark chasms of women and slip into male bodies with the excuse of humiliating them, or only because it’s easier to feel at home with known actions and reactions, or because the drives are confused, the flesh is uncertain, always moving without resolution from men to women, from women to men, holes here and holes there, so many useless distinctions. I’d made efforts, in those years, to escape the numerous possible violent paths of my surroundings, all of them already embedded in the obscenity of the dialect I’d known since I was a child: I’ll rip your guts out, I’ll fuck you up the ass, I’ll crack your ass open. It was as if various human types were lurking in my body, some violent, others wretched. </blockquote></b>