A review by shanth
Lightspeed Magazine, June 2014: Women Destroy Science Fiction! Special Edition by Christie Yant


Among the new stories in this anthology, "The Case of the Passionless Bees" by Rhonda Eikamp, a cyberpunk re-imagining of Sherlock Holmes as Gearlock Holmes was my favourite. Gabriella Stalker's dystopian "In the Image of Man" about a future where everything is subsumed by a collection of Malls which house churches, schools, universities (all operated like corporate franchises with sponsors and tie-ins) is eerily close to today's reality in so many ways. And Elizabeth Porter's "A Burglary, Addressed By a Young Lady" has to rank among the most deliciously fantastic imagining of a social order so different from anything I'm used to reading.

The Maureen F. McHugh novella and Tiptree reprint were brilliant but nothing else struck me much. Quite a mixed anthology all in all, but well worth it just for the gems it contains