A review by merewordsinarizona
Fortune by Lenny Bartulin


First of all, kudos to the illustrator Sandy Cull who did an AMAZING JOB with the illustration which is so vibrant and vivid. You need to hire her for more projects! Just saying...

Now on to the book! This historic epic is exactly as the book suggests " a handful of lives the briefly touch are sprung from their orbits" is absolutely true as it shows multiple characters, differing perspectives and how they all come together to form different constellations. ( history vs the individual)

Get ready to be inundated with characters at the beginning. I had to write them all down in a journal to be able to refer back to them for fear of keeping them straight. I really wish there was a chart of all the characters at the beginning that I could keep referring to as so many characters were introduced at once and in succession. Needless to say I was not bored.

The description of the people and the way the author set the scene time after time really had me feeling as if I was there. The story did an excellent job of zooming in and out of lives and just as I was getting into one storyline the author pulls back and takes me to another set of characters that are equally interesting to me and I want to learn more. As it is, this story will sweep you away because it is unpredictable and that is what I think I love most about it... and even though it's not a linear story as you would traditional see it IS cyclical as fate attracts Johannes and Elisabeth together. Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this free ARC in exchange for my honest review.