A review by climbingvines
Corktown by Ty Hutchinson


Very weird take on a crime procedural novel for me. It wasn’t really a mystery, and it wasn’t a thriller, since the author introduced the killer by name and followed them around from their pov almost immediately, yet still managed to drag the entire thing out to 94 ?????? chapters. It was mostly just like watching someone solve a case on a cctv, in the most boring way possible. She made some strange mistakes, like not immediately connecting very obviously last names of married couples and having sex on a stake out????? In a car on a residential street????? Also the writing was so very ‘woman written by a man’ with entirely too many references to the main character’s opinions on her own breasts and the occasional musings about how she wished she had a penis so everyone around her would stop sexually harassing her. Overall, I think the plot actually wasn’t terrible, just the format used to tell it took away….just about everything of value??? All the suspense and the mystery. It was like reading the plot of a movie before you watched it I guess??? You always knew exactly what what happening and I guess maybe some people would like that but for me that’s not the reason I read crime novels I guess???? Anyway, I Sure Did Read This, and the format I purchased it in was a digital boxset of the first six books in the series so I guess I’m going to see if this is just a case of ‘the first book in the series is always questionable’ and see if #2 is any better lol wish me luck