A review by emilysquest
American Overdose: The Opioid Tragedy in Three Acts by Chris McGreal


A tragic, well-written, shocking-yet-not-surprising look at the systemic origins of the opioid epidemic and the repeated failures of every branch of every level of government in the face of big pharma's money.

Side note: The meta experience of reading a book published in late 2019, in which the FDA & CDC are prominent players and Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson get looks in, is pretty bizarre. McGreal doesn't assume any of these entities are unheard-of to his readers, but he also definitely does not usher them onstage as if everyone in the country has talked about Anthony Fauci on a daily basis for over a year and now there is a phenomenon of posting to Twitter with hashtags #TeamPfizer and #TeamModerna. Because that would be nuts! Of course people aren't doing that! What on earth!!