A review by tittypete
American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America by Chris Hedges


Christo-fascism is rooted in despair and since there's a lot of that going around in the USA, Christo-fascism is on the rise. Everything is on its way to being fucked. All is not lost though but in reality it pretty much is.

Interesting to read this now. When it was written during the Bush years I remember being swept up in the hand wringing about the prevalence of the Christian right in government. Now that we've got Trump in office things seem less religious but adhere just as much to the tenets of nascent fascism forewarned of in this book. There is only one right, one truth. Our way or the highway. Enemies are everywhere and the good guys are under constant attack.

Hedges says liberal tolerance for others' intolerance is going to fuck us all and that seems about on the money.