A review by novelesque_life
A Stranger in the House by Shari Lapena



I picked A Stranger in the House for one of my book clubs. We were looking for a quick and easy read, and I really enjoyed Lapena's [b:An Unwanted Guest|38240386|An Unwanted Guest|Shari Lapena|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1526389330l/38240386._SY75_.jpg|59633382] so recommended we read this one. This was a novel we all finished (yay us!) but didn't work for us. I felt like the title gave away too much of the book, and it already a bit easy to figure out (another person also figured it out pretty quick). For this reason I am not even going to attempt to write out my synopsis of the novel. The characters were a bit cliched and didn't really evolve much through the story. All was not lost for us, as we did have a good lengthy discussion about the book, and learned we all agree on this one.