A review by mommagracereads
Binding 13 by Chloe Walsh


I’ve been seeing this series everywhere lately and decided to give it a try. 

This is definitely not a YA book even though it is marketed that way. And in the YA section in the library. The main characters may be young, but the content is not.

Regardless, I did find it entertaining, especially Johnny’s behavior towards Shannon. Big, tough guy all soft for the heroine, would protect her from the world. I love those kinds of MMC’s. He’s completely different around her in his actions and words, and she gets to see the real person underneath the rugby star. 

This is also the youngest FMC in a book that I have read for a long time. Just pretend their older until age is brought up again. Which was unfortunately often, ha. 

The toxic relationship Sharron has with her parents made my heart hurt. No child should live like that. She got a reprieve at Tommen. Something she desperately needed. Her relationship with Johnny develops slowly and both of them fight it hard along the way. After how this book ended, I’m curious to see how their story part 2 goes.