A review by kindlelovingmom
Playing House by Amy Andrews


Best friend's little sister is my very favorite trope, so I was very excited to read this one. I've really enjoyed this whole series so far.

Bodie "Spidey" Webb is a pro rugby player for the Sydney Smoke. He grew up in a very wealthy family, and his dad wants him to enter the family business at some point. Bodie has no plans to ever do that. He loves the game too much, and he loves his team. In fact, his best friend Ryder Davis is one of his teammates, and that's what brings him to the middle of nowhere, Australia, where Ryder grew up, for his engagement party. Bodie had a bad breakup about a year ago, and he's been sewing his wild oats ever since. So, he doesn't expect to be laid flat by one look at a wallflower of a woman at Ryder's party. He just knows he has to talk to her.

Eleanor "Nell" Davis is Ryder's youngest sister. Her other sisters are all classic beauties, each already married off. She's always been an odd duck, born in the wrong century. She's obsessed with everything Victorian era: the clothes, the manners, the courting. Everything. It's why she's still a virgin at 26. She's been waiting for THE ONE. But, when she sees Bodie at her brother's party she's drawn to him like she's never been to another man. She decides to shake off her virginity once and for all, which can only happen if she doesn't mention to him the small fact that she's Ryder's sister. Her brother calls her Nell, so when she uses her full name to introduce herself, he's none the wiser, and she's not actually lying. They have an amazing night together, but it has unintended consequences, for both of them.

Bodie and Eleanor have amazing chemistry and I loved watching them interact. He actually showed interest in the things she loved (especially her Victorian undergarments!), and he makes her feel beautiful and wanted for the first time ever. Bodie loves her quirky personality, and her unusual hobbies, and he's endlessly intrigued by her. I really appreciated the way they were together, and even the reveal to her brother didn't go exactly as I expected, which I liked as well. Though they were different, they were entirely compatible, and I loved watching them both realize how perfect they were together.

I always enjoy revisiting all of the other characters from the previous books, as well as the other side characters who've yet to have their own stories. I'm looking forward to Donovan, the single dad's story, as well as the coach's daughter. And Coach Griff too, for that matter! I really hope we get all of their stories before the series comes to a close.

This was a very emotional book in many ways, much more so than the others have been. The main characters deal with some tough issues, and while everyone doesn't always handle things perfectly, they find a way to figure it out. I really loved Eleanor as a heroine. She was so unique and I just really enjoyed her outlook. Bodie was also so much more than I gave him credit for. He really didn't shy away from love, though he'd been burned before. They were truly perfect together.

I definitely recommend this book, and this series. It's so much more than your typical sports romance series, and I love that. The Aussie-isms are hilariously fun, and I truly appreciate the glossary of terms in the back of the book. I look forward to more stories in this awesome world.

ARC provided by Publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Megan from Alpha Book Club
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