A review by basilsinyard
The Art of Living: The Classical Manual on Virtue, Happiness and Effectiveness by Epictetus


Food for thought. 
liked the "life is a rotating meal" metaphor. Would use it for spiritual dinosaurs.
originally I read it because I recognized my need for 平靜。 Although some parts of this book convinced me that Epictetus is bonkers and would make a great cult leader, something helped.
There are two kinds of forces in this world. External forces that you can't control, and your inner force. Let things happen to you, and keep your inner 精神 stoic, it saves energy and helps achieve happiness.
He probably repeated that concept 20 times within 200 pages. 真的不知道你講那麼多要幹嘛>感覺你很努力在convince yourself. 
Everything else is bullshit. I still gotta be a bitch sometimes you know.