A review by beckymmoe
1001 Dark Nights: Dragon Claimed by Donna Grant


Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 1/19/19.

A dragon king with a Scottish accent? Yes, please... ;)

Somehow this novella ends up feeling like it's longer than it actually is--so much is going on within its pages. There's a mysterious and ominous backstory, a new and powerful danger, a connection to a possibly-not-so-long-lost family line, and beautiful but isolated Scottish islands.

Oh, and a romance. Plus puppies.

And did I mention dragons? ;)

Though technically yes, this novella *could* work to introduce readers to the Dark Kings books (Gemma is new to the universe. so things are explained to her and you're not totally lost) this is definitely one of the 1001 Dark Nights books that works better as a filler novella for those who already know the series. There's very much a sense of being thrust into the middle of things, and though Gemma and Cináed's HEA is set by the end, there are other overarching plot threads that are still dangling. Gemma does get some long awaited answers, though, and a sense of finally belonging, so for her and Cináed the story is satisfactory.

Rating: 3 stars / C+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.