A review by richardwiggins
Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale: The Final Chapter by Russell T. Davies


What a wonderful read. A mammoth read, mind. I read this as part of my Doctor Who marathon, which has been going on for years now, but includes (on top of the show itself) back issues of Doctor Who Magazine, commentaries, podcasts, DW Confidential, spin offs (including the Australian one) and even fan made productions. I’m doing this comprehensive marathon once, so I can truly say I’ve watched and fully considered everything. As a result, I can only review this book as “that” kind of obsessive fan.

I love Russell T Davies with all my heart. He is my hero. No stranger has changed my life more than him. Ben Cook is a journalist who both in and outside of this book has contributed huge, fearless additions to fandom. We are so lucky to have him. Together they give an unbeatable insight into what it’s like to write Doctor Who, straight from the horse’s mouth. I felt the full gamut of emotions reading this, which is amazing considering it’s essentially just a bunch of emails. It proves the level of clarity and beauty in Russell’s writing that he could make magic out of what others would find an inherently limited format.

If you want to learn how to write, you’ll pick up handy tips. If you want to know how Russell made the show between 2007 to 2009, then this will unveil a serious number of delicious secrets. This is the full story.