A review by rich71
The Wishsong of Shannara by Terry Brooks


The final volume in the Shannara triology, this book is a classic that is still readable after 28 years in print. While not among the finest examples of story-telling, the story is captivating, espicially as it nears the conclusion. For those reading the first two volumes in the series, there is lots that will seem eerily similar: young adventurers leaving their quiet vale, Mord Wraiths disrupting their journey, and Allanon as the wise guide. There are enough differences, however, to keep it interesting and the way the story develops and concludes is clearly different than the first two volumes.

Overall, Brooks's style is very readable, he includes enough world-building to provide a rich backdrop to the story without bogging down in details, and his characters, although a bit cardboard in certain settings, do show development throughout the arc of the story. A very approachable story that is easy to recommend for those looking for a fairly straightforward fantasy epic.