A review by louismunozjr
The Dove in the Belly by Jim Grimsley


TEN stars! Just finished this, and I don’t know how to put my thoughts into words. This book grabbed me and never let me go.

Jim Grimsley pulls off an outrageous magic trick with “The Dove in the Belly.” Gay college kid befriends big, beefy straight jock with hints of danger: the stuff of thousands of books, shows, movies, and, yup, “adult movies” and fantasies. But right from the start I felt I was with two main characters who were very “real,” very compelling. Technically, Ronny, the gay kid, is the MC, but Ben, the football player, he comes to us as more than just a tired trope, more than just the obscure object of our desires - the movie is referenced in that context. In fact, I cared just as much, hoped just as much, believed just as much, for Ben, than one might normally care and than I thought I would.

There was electricity in this book, and there WAS danger, and I stayed wound up, keyed-up, the whole way through this incredible, beautiful, powerful journey. And the ending was so different and so much better than what I expected. No spoilers from me, but I’ll just say, I can breathe again; I didn’t realize how much I had been holding my breath. And now that I can breathe again, I can tell you, this book will stay with me for a very long time to come.