A review by jazzyjan94
Reflektorfényben by Meg Cabot


This review appears on my blog: https://confessionsofabookwormweb.wordpress.com/2020/07/20/book-review-princess-in-the-spotlight-the-princess-diaries-2-by-meg-cabot/

Princess in the Spotlight picks up shortly after the events of the first book, Mia is so over Josh Richter, but she's also realized that she is in love with Michael Moscovitz, her best friend's brother. Lilly has found another injustice to protest. Grandmere has arranged for Mia to have her first TV interview, which she wants to try and get out of. Not to mention that on top of all of this her mom is pregnant (!) with her algebra teacher's baby (!!).

However, the one silver lining is that Mia has a secret admirer wwh refuses to reveal himself and Mia is left guessing - although she does hope that Michael is her secret admirer. But then Mia lets slip the secret that her mom is pregnant on national TV and Grandmere is now planning the wedding of the century, even though her mom is against the idea of a big do for her wedding...oh, and her grandparents from Indiana have ome to town along with her cousin Hank, who seems to have captured Lilly's attention, as well as the attention of most of the girls at Albert Einstein High School.

Again, I really had a fun time reading this second installment in The Princess Diaries series. While they might not be the most well-written books, they are still enjoyable and fun to read and something light t read in the midst of everything that has gone on so far this year. I am so glad that I decided to re-read this series. 3/5 Stars.