A review by pio_near
Rubicons: A Freaks Novel by Brett Riley


The third installment in the Freaks series seems to suffer the same fate as the second. An interesting concept, and a real opportunity for character growth and worldbuilding. However, either due to writing style or misguided editing, the story fell flat for me.

Elements of inclusion and social disparities have been a hallmark of Riley's novels so far, yet outside of introducing it, he does very little to show what it means to the character, short of a "well deal with it" mentality.

The action, while decent, seemed rushed and overblown. Some great conflict was injected into our friendly do-gooding group, yet it seemed to barely scratch the surface of the questions raised. Also. There were a few good cliffhangers, but no real action from previous ones, or foreshadowing to make you really want to come back.

I think, for me, I am done with the series. I really REALLY wanted this to be good, as the premise and plots have been great, but with lackluster writing and two-dimensional characters, I'd rather not be let down again.

My thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!